Thursday, January 29, 2009

Quiz - Pure Fun!!!

Your result for Name That Tune - TV Edition Test...

Totally Completely Addicted!

Wow! You truly ARE addicted to TV! You watch way too much! You should really get up off that couch (or bed or computer) and get out and live some! Click Here for the answer key.

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Your result for Name That Tune - 90's Edition Test...

Child Of The 90's!

Wow! You ARE a child of the 90's! Let me guess, you were born in the mid-late 80's and probably remember all the cool toys, tv shows and music from that era!! I bet you graduated high school within the last 5-8 years, didn't you? Click Here for the answer key.

And please rate this test if you enjoyed it!!

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at HelloQuizzy


Your result for Name That Tune - Movies Edition Test...

Movie King/Queen!

You Rock! You must own just about every movie ever made and have seen them tons of times! I bet you have a room in your home dedicated to your movie collection! I bet you also have every soundtrack ever released! Click Here for the answer key.

And please rate this test if you enjoyed it!!

Take Name That Tune - Movies Edition Test
at HelloQuizzy


Your result for The Elemental Astrology Test...

Triplet, lack Fire

You scored 10 fire, 31 earth, 55 air, and 72 water!

You express 3 elements strongly and lack expression of another.

The limited presence of the Fire element in your horoscope may suggest the need to experience life more actively. It may benefit you to become more vital, for you may lack the passion and spark that the fire signs afford. This doesn't mean that you don't enjoy life, but merely that you don't seem to know how to insert yourself into the action; pleasure, thrills and glory will be slow coming your way. Your pleasures are apt to be more subtle and sensitive, without the dramatics and flash. Although this void does not guarantee an introvert, you are not likely to be the extrovert. You lack the dare-devil courage of the fire signs, and this includes the utter self-confidence these signs bestow. Because of this, you may like to stand back and let the other person make the first move in an encounter. If anything, you underestimate your abilities and worth. You like to test the water before you jump in, and the fire of competition can hold you back sometimes. By underrating your abilities, you are apt to often end up assisting others whose talents are less than your own, but whose reflection drive and desire is greater. Actually, you don't like having the spotlight on you, and you may prefer such a subordinate role. Self-expression, both emotional and creative, may be difficult for you. In some cases, a person lacking fire in their chart may try to force self-expression and many of the more aggressive fire sign traits in order to compensate for the lack of these traits. Characteristic of this would be the less than talented, over-achiever in a sport who attains a modest level of skill and the ability to win through extreme hard work and long years of perseverance.

You probably actually express one or two elements very strongly, so follow the link(s) to the ones that have the highest percent of expression.

For more on each element, click here for Earth, here for Air, and here for Water.

The other element: Fire

Wanna know more about your astrological chart? Go here

Take The Elemental Astrology Test
at HelloQuizzy


Your result for The Elemental Astrology Test...

Dual Air & Water

You scored 10 fire, 10 earth, 45 air, and 52 water!

Although you often feel pulled between intellectual and emotional orientations of life, heavy doses of Air and Water elements can make you very much attuned to both realms of experience. Neither the abstract nor the feeling-intuitive world is alien to you, and you are thus able to develop a mode of operation that encompasses both types of perception. This results in your being able to give depth to your ideas and in your ability to gain detachment and perspective on feelings and deeper yearnings. You are physically and psychologically sensitive; a dreamer, an escapist, perhaps a little fantasy-prone. You have an amazingly fertile imagination and specialized skills for dealing with people. You know how to tune in to people, and communicate concisely.

For more on these two elements click here for Air and here for Water

The other elements: Fire and Earth

Wanna know more about your astrological chart? Go here

Take The Elemental Astrology Test
at HelloQuizzy


Your result for The Elemental Astrology Test...

Water Dominant

You scored 10 fire, 10 earth, 10 air, and 52 water!

The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. The element of water relates to the emotional and spiritual plane. Water signs operate entirely on the level of feelings -but not just any feelings. The element of water relates to our deepest, most primal emotions, as well as to the needs and longings of our soul. These feelings are buried deep in our unconscious and subconscious minds, and many times we would like to keep them locked up there and even forget they exist because we are frightened by the power and intensity that they carry.
Water is a �feminine� energy, receptive, responsive, and fluid. Water sinks, always seeking the lowest and deepest point, and water will continue to flow until it is contained. Water has no shape or structure of its own, and instead takes on the characteristics and form of its container. The element of water is irrational, instinctive, emotional, and entirely right-brained.
Like air signs, water signs seek to make connections; only water seeks to connect on deep transformational levels that air would never consider exploring. Water signs are concerned with healing and with the power of emotional release, and water signs are the most comfortable with any kind of emotion, so long as it is intense. Something that water shares with fire is a tendency to exaggerate and to be overly dramatic.
Water signs are perhaps the most retentive of all the elements. Water remembers each and every emotional experience, no matter how painful. At times, it almost seems that water enjoys exploring the painful memories and emotions the most of all, as they are frequently the most intense experiences. One of the hardest lessons for water signs is learning how to let go, to truly release the pain and negativity and allow the true healing process to complete itself.
Water signs feel the most deeply of any of the elements. They may not always be able to communicate the depth of their feelings, the extent of their pain and joy, because words do not come easily to water signs. Water signs have an ongoing struggle with finding ways of communicating and expressing their feelings that truly encompass the intensity of the experience. Ultimately, words are inadequate; some things can only be communicated through direct emotional, energetic connections.
Because the element of water has no structure of its own and must be contained, water sings tend to have the most difficulty accepting and respecting interpersonal boundaries-particularly emotional ones. Water sings must learn to respect the emotions and the comfort level of others, and that not everybody is able to bare their soul and share their deepest feelings five minutes after being introduced. This can be a very difficult and painful lesson.
Water signs recharge through intense emotional connections, as well as through proximity to water. Individuals with an emphasis in water in their charts can clear their emotional bodies of the accumulated negativity by spending time in and near water: These individuals often find that they are happiest living near lakes rivers, or oceans; otherwise, they may be attracted to rainy climates. Even if easy access to a body of water isn�t available, taking long, hot showers, or soaking in a warm bath can have the same energizing and clearing effect.

The other elements: Fire, Earth, and Air

Wanna know more about your astrological chart? Go

Take The Elemental Astrology Test
at HelloQuizzy


Loved this test!\l/

Your result for The Choose your next planet Test...


You scored 2% temperature (higher=warmer), 86% gravity(higher=more gravity), and 88% for the size of your planet.

From what I've gathered, you appear to prefer a planet that is colder, large, and has lots of gravity. You are in luck! I have the perfect planet for you. Your new home is Jupiter!

The average temperature of your new home is a frigid -244 F. Don't count on any relief in the summer time, because Jupiter doesn't have any seasons. Time may not fly on Jupiter, but your days certainly will. They only last 10 Earth hours. Of course your years will go much slower. By the time you are 7 years old you will probably be ready for a nursing home.

Make sure you are ready for the tremendous gravity on your new world. It's 250% of Earth's gravity. Expect to be under 4 feet tall by the end of your life with all that force dragging you down. It will take some getting used to.

Since Jupiter is so massive, there will be many smaller communities throughout your world. Perhaps you may wish to live on its famous Great Red Spot. You won't have to worry about any sleazy Jupiter-Mart chains popping up all over your planet because it's too big for that. Even if it did, you could just move away from the mess. Speaking of which, you have some great vacation spots nearby. Jupiter has 63 identified satellites, and one of them, the moon Europa, might even have drinkable water beneath its surface. Enjoy your new home!

Take The Choose your next planet Test at HelloQuizzy