Saturday, July 5, 2008

Book Review - I Went to Vassar for This? by Naomi Neale

Book Description

How exactly did a microwave mishap blast a hip and sassy modern-day Manhattanite back to 1959? Cathy Voorhees has no idea. But even without her trusty PalmPilot, she can still manage to sort through any trouble with a list.

Reasons to Stay Reasons to Go

  1. These clothes give me a killer figure. ----> Two words: granny panties.
  2. I can change history - save JFK, end racism, break the glass ceiling! ----> The only history you know is from VH1.
  3. At least here I don't have to work for a short-sighted fuddy-duddy anymore. ----> Yes, now you have a boss who thinks goosing is appropriate office behavior.
  4. I wish our landlord would goose me. He's dreamy. ----> Maybe if you wow him with predictions of the future, he'll at least ask you out.
  5. Or commit me to an institution. ----> Oooh, padded walls could be fun...

July 5

My mind is dead right now so I'll just note that I enjoyed the book, didn't quite like the ending, and thought overall it was a fun ride through time. I'll write more (and more intelligently [I hope!]) at a later date. :)

July 22
Let's see... I'll start at the end, which was way too rushed and I thought that there was another opening for a specific time travel element, something to do with being lost. I know nobody will get what I mean w/o reading the book but hopefully it'll be clear after it's read. Otherwise, just comment and ask what the #$%! I mean. :P I just don't want to give anything away. Suffice it to say that the ending was abrupt and it should have been better.

I didn't mind Cathy at first, but then she began to grate on my nerves at times. What the heck does she think she's doing? Like she's really going to help end segregation and racial issues with her stupid actions? Just act normal for goodness sakes! And what did she think (man I sound like a broken record) with sending letters to JFK and Martin Luther King, Jr.? What an idiot, I swear!

On the second Cathy... You would think she might have learned something being in present times. It would seem from her letters that she did not.

Seeing as I read this over two weeks ago, that's about all I can remember about it. I can't even remember the things I liked, although there were probably some to give it a decent rating. Sorry this is a piss poor review, but that's the way it is. :P

3. 5 stars