Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Book Review - The Tidal Poole (Elizabeth I Mysteries, Book 2) by Karen Harper

Book Description
It is the crowning day of twenty-five-year-old Bess Tudor's life as she returns from exile to become England's queen. But even as her magnificent procession wends its way to Westminster Palace, a shot rings out, muffled by the jostling crowd.

Within moments of becoming England's ruler, Elizabeth learns of the brutal murder of a highborn lady of the court, the sister of one of her dearest friends. Elizabeth cannot refuse her friend's request to find the killer -- especially since the prime suspect is too close to the crown -- and her friends -- to overlook.

Elizabeth must be circumspect. Trust can be deadly. So she summons her small band of loyal retainers and plunges into a cauldron of conflicting loyalties and deadly intrigue.

From the pomp, pageantry, and insidious gossip of the court to the lethal tidal pools swirling under London Bridge, the passionate young queen must seize the reins of her empire -- and find a killer determined to destroy the crown itself....


December 17

Not the most plausible series, but it is entertaining and that's why it's called fiction. I did enjoy the first book better, but The Tidal Poole kept me reading and the mystery was well-done. If you're a history buff, better skip it, but if you enjoy reading just for the sake of reading, I recommend the series. :)

3.5 stars


Andrew Clarke said...

If you enjoy the fantasy genre, may I suggest a title to try? "Outcasts Of Skagaray" can be previewed by reading the sample chapters on If you read it I would be very interested to hear your impression.
Whatever happens, best wishes. There are two film reviews on my blog
if you feel like stopping by.