Saturday, January 31, 2009

Book Review - Dragonwyck by Anya Seton

Book Description

First published in 1944, Dragonwyck was a national bestseller that was made into a major motion picture starring Gene Tierney and Vincent Price in 1946. A classic gothic romance, the story features an 18-year-old Miranda Wells who falls under the spell of a mysterious old mansion and its equally fascinating master. Tired of churning butter, weeding the garden patch, and receiving the dull young farmers who seek her hand in marriage, Miranda is excited by an invitation from the upstate New York estate of her distant relative, the intriguing Nicholas Van Ryn. Her passion is kindled by the icy fire of Nicholas, the last of the Van Ryns, and the luxury of Dragonwyck, and a way of life of which she has only dreamed. Dressed in satin and lace, she becomes part of Dragonwyck, with its Gothic towers, flowering gardens, acres of tenant farms, and dark, terrible secrets. This compelling novel paints a marvelous portrait of a country torn between freedom and feudal traditions; a country divided between the very wealthy and the very poor. Poor tenant farmers at Dragonwyck, the European royalty who visit, and American icons such as Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville, and the Astors are vividly brought to life. This is a heart-stopping story of a remarkable woman, her breathtaking passions, and the mystery and terror that await her in the magnificent hallways of Dragonwyck.


January 31

WARNING: Do NOT read the first Editorial Review at Amazon, just titled Review (it says it's a Kirkus review after the fact), it gives away the whole book.
Here's a link to a good review:


I enjoyed this fast and easy Gothic read - my first Anya Seton book! Not much to say, the plot was predictable, yet absorbing, the characters were fine - Miranda was a bit too distant as the heroine, and the little historical tidbits were interesting, although they didn't quite flow with the storyline. However, I'm glad I started with a lesser rated Seton book and am thinking that is the way to go; start with bad (or not so great) and end with the good or better rated books. :P

One of the reasons I read this is because I've seen the film version of Dragonwyck playing on TCM and/or FMC, and I plan to catch it next time! :D

3.5 stars

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Quiz - Pure Fun!!!

Your result for Name That Tune - TV Edition Test...

Totally Completely Addicted!

Wow! You truly ARE addicted to TV! You watch way too much! You should really get up off that couch (or bed or computer) and get out and live some! Click Here for the answer key.

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Your result for Name That Tune - 90's Edition Test...

Child Of The 90's!

Wow! You ARE a child of the 90's! Let me guess, you were born in the mid-late 80's and probably remember all the cool toys, tv shows and music from that era!! I bet you graduated high school within the last 5-8 years, didn't you? Click Here for the answer key.

And please rate this test if you enjoyed it!!

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Your result for Name That Tune - Movies Edition Test...

Movie King/Queen!

You Rock! You must own just about every movie ever made and have seen them tons of times! I bet you have a room in your home dedicated to your movie collection! I bet you also have every soundtrack ever released! Click Here for the answer key.

And please rate this test if you enjoyed it!!

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Your result for The Elemental Astrology Test...

Triplet, lack Fire

You scored 10 fire, 31 earth, 55 air, and 72 water!

You express 3 elements strongly and lack expression of another.

The limited presence of the Fire element in your horoscope may suggest the need to experience life more actively. It may benefit you to become more vital, for you may lack the passion and spark that the fire signs afford. This doesn't mean that you don't enjoy life, but merely that you don't seem to know how to insert yourself into the action; pleasure, thrills and glory will be slow coming your way. Your pleasures are apt to be more subtle and sensitive, without the dramatics and flash. Although this void does not guarantee an introvert, you are not likely to be the extrovert. You lack the dare-devil courage of the fire signs, and this includes the utter self-confidence these signs bestow. Because of this, you may like to stand back and let the other person make the first move in an encounter. If anything, you underestimate your abilities and worth. You like to test the water before you jump in, and the fire of competition can hold you back sometimes. By underrating your abilities, you are apt to often end up assisting others whose talents are less than your own, but whose reflection drive and desire is greater. Actually, you don't like having the spotlight on you, and you may prefer such a subordinate role. Self-expression, both emotional and creative, may be difficult for you. In some cases, a person lacking fire in their chart may try to force self-expression and many of the more aggressive fire sign traits in order to compensate for the lack of these traits. Characteristic of this would be the less than talented, over-achiever in a sport who attains a modest level of skill and the ability to win through extreme hard work and long years of perseverance.

You probably actually express one or two elements very strongly, so follow the link(s) to the ones that have the highest percent of expression.

For more on each element, click here for Earth, here for Air, and here for Water.

The other element: Fire

Wanna know more about your astrological chart? Go here

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Your result for The Elemental Astrology Test...

Dual Air & Water

You scored 10 fire, 10 earth, 45 air, and 52 water!

Although you often feel pulled between intellectual and emotional orientations of life, heavy doses of Air and Water elements can make you very much attuned to both realms of experience. Neither the abstract nor the feeling-intuitive world is alien to you, and you are thus able to develop a mode of operation that encompasses both types of perception. This results in your being able to give depth to your ideas and in your ability to gain detachment and perspective on feelings and deeper yearnings. You are physically and psychologically sensitive; a dreamer, an escapist, perhaps a little fantasy-prone. You have an amazingly fertile imagination and specialized skills for dealing with people. You know how to tune in to people, and communicate concisely.

For more on these two elements click here for Air and here for Water

The other elements: Fire and Earth

Wanna know more about your astrological chart? Go here

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Your result for The Elemental Astrology Test...

Water Dominant

You scored 10 fire, 10 earth, 10 air, and 52 water!

The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. The element of water relates to the emotional and spiritual plane. Water signs operate entirely on the level of feelings -but not just any feelings. The element of water relates to our deepest, most primal emotions, as well as to the needs and longings of our soul. These feelings are buried deep in our unconscious and subconscious minds, and many times we would like to keep them locked up there and even forget they exist because we are frightened by the power and intensity that they carry.
Water is a �feminine� energy, receptive, responsive, and fluid. Water sinks, always seeking the lowest and deepest point, and water will continue to flow until it is contained. Water has no shape or structure of its own, and instead takes on the characteristics and form of its container. The element of water is irrational, instinctive, emotional, and entirely right-brained.
Like air signs, water signs seek to make connections; only water seeks to connect on deep transformational levels that air would never consider exploring. Water signs are concerned with healing and with the power of emotional release, and water signs are the most comfortable with any kind of emotion, so long as it is intense. Something that water shares with fire is a tendency to exaggerate and to be overly dramatic.
Water signs are perhaps the most retentive of all the elements. Water remembers each and every emotional experience, no matter how painful. At times, it almost seems that water enjoys exploring the painful memories and emotions the most of all, as they are frequently the most intense experiences. One of the hardest lessons for water signs is learning how to let go, to truly release the pain and negativity and allow the true healing process to complete itself.
Water signs feel the most deeply of any of the elements. They may not always be able to communicate the depth of their feelings, the extent of their pain and joy, because words do not come easily to water signs. Water signs have an ongoing struggle with finding ways of communicating and expressing their feelings that truly encompass the intensity of the experience. Ultimately, words are inadequate; some things can only be communicated through direct emotional, energetic connections.
Because the element of water has no structure of its own and must be contained, water sings tend to have the most difficulty accepting and respecting interpersonal boundaries-particularly emotional ones. Water sings must learn to respect the emotions and the comfort level of others, and that not everybody is able to bare their soul and share their deepest feelings five minutes after being introduced. This can be a very difficult and painful lesson.
Water signs recharge through intense emotional connections, as well as through proximity to water. Individuals with an emphasis in water in their charts can clear their emotional bodies of the accumulated negativity by spending time in and near water: These individuals often find that they are happiest living near lakes rivers, or oceans; otherwise, they may be attracted to rainy climates. Even if easy access to a body of water isn�t available, taking long, hot showers, or soaking in a warm bath can have the same energizing and clearing effect.

The other elements: Fire, Earth, and Air

Wanna know more about your astrological chart? Go

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Loved this test!\l/

Your result for The Choose your next planet Test...


You scored 2% temperature (higher=warmer), 86% gravity(higher=more gravity), and 88% for the size of your planet.

From what I've gathered, you appear to prefer a planet that is colder, large, and has lots of gravity. You are in luck! I have the perfect planet for you. Your new home is Jupiter!

The average temperature of your new home is a frigid -244 F. Don't count on any relief in the summer time, because Jupiter doesn't have any seasons. Time may not fly on Jupiter, but your days certainly will. They only last 10 Earth hours. Of course your years will go much slower. By the time you are 7 years old you will probably be ready for a nursing home.

Make sure you are ready for the tremendous gravity on your new world. It's 250% of Earth's gravity. Expect to be under 4 feet tall by the end of your life with all that force dragging you down. It will take some getting used to.

Since Jupiter is so massive, there will be many smaller communities throughout your world. Perhaps you may wish to live on its famous Great Red Spot. You won't have to worry about any sleazy Jupiter-Mart chains popping up all over your planet because it's too big for that. Even if it did, you could just move away from the mess. Speaking of which, you have some great vacation spots nearby. Jupiter has 63 identified satellites, and one of them, the moon Europa, might even have drinkable water beneath its surface. Enjoy your new home!

Take The Choose your next planet Test at HelloQuizzy

Quiz -The Chakra Test

Your result for The Chakra Test...

The Visionary

You have scored 65% Imagination - Your dominant Chakra is the "Third Eye or Indigo Chakra"

The "Third Eye or Indigo Chakra" is where our intuitive and visionary energy comes from. It is located on one's forehead. And this is the chakra most developed in you at this time.

Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active, one's may not think clearly, become confused and begin to rely on authoritarian figures. If over-active and out of balance with your other chakras, you may be prone to fantasy. You may even begin to see and believe in things that are not there.

What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.

Root Chakra: 35% Passion, Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 0% Desire, Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 18% Purpose, Heart Chakra: 39% Balance, Throat Chakra: 61% Expression, Third Eye Chakra: 65% Imagination and Crown Chakra: 47% Spirituality!

"Third Eye Chakra" Key Words: Intuition, Invention, Psychic Abilities, Self Realization, Perception, Release, Understanding, Memory, Fearlessness

"Third Eye Chakra"Attributes: Color - Indigo Sense - Sixth sense, Higher mind Element - Time Seat -Primordial Power

If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback!

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Quiz - Which Season Colours Emphasize Your Beauty? Pictures Test

Your result for Which Season Colours Emphasize Your Beauty? Pictures Test...


You scored 62 percent on Summer!

  • Summer is a cool tone and like winter complexions, the summers among us have blue or pink undertones. Skin is very pale and pink. Summer colouring usually occurs in natural blondes, and even pale-skinned brunettes with pale eyes. If you’re a trying to discriminate between winter and summer, winters are usually brunettes and summers are mostly natural blondes.

  • Best Colours for Summer: Summers have a low level of contrast between their hair, eye colour and skin tone. For you to look your best, choose soft neutrals and pastels, as well as muted colours with cool undertones. Powder blue, dusty pink, mauve, lavender, plum, and pale yellow are all great colour choices.

  • Worst Colours for Summer: Avoid intense, vivid hues because they will look harsh and drown you out. Nor should you wear earth tones. Stay away from black and orange.

  • Do you agree?

  • No? Probably you are unique natural beauty - mixed type

  • Yes? Lets find out more about your personality! Just for fun!

Summers are nurturing, comfortable looking after guests and family, possibly appearing cool to outsiders until they are part of the circle of friends. Highly perceptive they will notice small details that others may not and act as natural peacemakers working in the background to keep harmony. Practicality mixed with a reserved nature means that classic elegance, traditional decorating, antiques, fine china, music and the arts is more comfortable to a Summer than modernity and sophistication. Summers are the perfect host, calm and collected, with everything planned down to the minute details - events at a Summer home will generally be elegant and run smoothly.

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Quiz - The Elemental Beauty Test

Your result for The Elemental Beauty Test...

Enduring Beauty

33% Earth, 17% Air, 42% Water and 8% Fire!

You have equal parts of Earth and Water.

When people speak of meeting someone that is very deep, they are more than likely talking about someone like you! Many of the people that share Earth and Water elements display a lot of seriousness, are self-protective, and display a lot of depth in everything they do. You tend to be a very hard working because you aren't happy unless you have something to keep you occupied. You aren't afraid to take on emotional burdens either, because it gives you something to do or think about. You need to feel needed and wanted. You enjoy knowing that people can count on you and that you have the resources to see things through. You have a great attachment to money as well, which means that you gyrate toward things such as a secure job. You enjoy possessions, including obtaining and providing for a family.

You are definitely a survivor and can make it through any type of catastrophe. You have a rather traditional sense of values as well, and value community.

The negative side of you may tend to become overly attached to your past and fear what your future will hold. Your challenges may come in the form of being able to be a more positive thinker.

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Quiz - Which 50's Pin-up Model are you?

Your result for Which 50's Pin-up Model are you?...

Betty Grable

40% Betty Grable, 20% Sophia Loren, 20% Jayne Mansfield, 20% Marilyn Monroe, 0% Bettie Page, and 0% June Wilkinson!

You are a lusty leggy lady who would have insured her legs for a million bucks, per leg, and who would have been the number 1 pin up girl in WWII. Work it girl!


Betty Grable (December 18, 1916 – July 2, 1973) was an American dancer, singer, and actress.

Her iconic bathing suit photo made her the number-one pin-up girl of the World War II era. It was later included in the Life magazine project "100 Photos that Changed the World". Grable was particularly noted for having the most beautiful legs in Hollywood and studio publicity widely dispersed photos featuring them. Hosiery specialists of the era often noted the ideal proportions of her legs as: thigh (18.5") calf (12"), and ankle (7.5"). Grable's legs were famously insured by her studio for $1,000,000 with Lloyds of London.

Take Which 50's Pin-up Model are you?
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Book Review - Underground (Greywalker, Book Three) by Kat Richardson

Book Description
Harper Blaine was your average small-time P.I. until she died—for two minutes. Now Harper is a Greywalker—walking the thin line between the living world and the paranormal realm. And she’s discovering that her new abilities are landing her all sorts of “strange” cases.

Pioneer Square’s homeless are turning up dead and mutilated, and zombies have been seen roaming the underground—the city buried beneath modern Seattle. When Harper’s friend Quinton believes he may be implicated in the deaths, he persuades her to investigate. But the killer is no mere murderer—it is a creature of ancient legend. And Harper must deal with both the living and the dead to stop the monster and its master…unless they stop her first.


January 29

Underground is a solid third entry back into the grey. Harper is, as always, a protagonist I can relate to and is believable in her thoughts in actions. Although the plot was slow at times, it was still entertaining and usually kept my interest. I love Seattle as a setting, even if there are a few liberties (hey, I've never been there! :P), and will continue to pick up Ms. Richardson's books!

*slight spoilers*
I hope Will is gone for good (what a bore) and Quinton is as intriguing as he's always been.

4 stars

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Book Review - Pure Blood (Nocturne City, Book 2) by Caitlin Kittredge

Book Description

In the shadows of Nocturne City, witches lurk and demons prowl, and homicide detective Luna Wilder must keep the peace—while living life as a werewolf. Now bodies are turning up all over town, the brutal murders linked by a cryptic message: We see with empty eyes…

To make matters worse for Luna, she can’t get wolfishly handsome Dmitri Sandovsky out of her mind. The last time he helped her with a case, Dmitri suffered a demon bite that infected him with a mysterious illness…and now his pack elders have forbidden him from associating with Luna. But she’ll need his help when high-level witches start turning up slaughtered. Because a war is brewing between rival clans of blood witches and caster witches—a magical gang war with the power to burn Nocturne City to the ground.


January 24

Fast and fun. Dark and gritty. This is an amazing sequel to Caitlin Kittredge's first Nocturne City book, Night Life.

For the first fifty or so pages, Luna started to get on my nerves with her general b!tchiness, but I soon go back into the groove of Ms. Kittredge's world and her protagonist. I love how different Luna's world is from other Urban Fantasy books and it feels very real. Now I don't always like how Luna acts, but something about her is so true and raw, that I sympathize and root for her all the way.

The storyline was intriguing and I didn't quite know which path it was going to swerve off on (which is a big plus). Pure Blood captured and held my attention all the way through the book and I am very curious to see how the next installment turns out. Luna is a character that will always stick out and I can't wait to see what mess she gets into and chaos she creates in the next book!

5 stars

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Book Review - The Twylight Tower (An Elizabeth I Mystery, Book III) by Karen Harper

Book Description
It is May 1560. As sinister storm clouds gather overhead, twenty-six-year-old Queen Elizabeth dispatches William Cecil, her most trusted adviser, to Scotland for crucial negotiations. Handsome, ambitious Lord Robert Dudley is at her side. But their leisurely midsummer idyll is cut short when the court s master lutenist plunges to his death from a parapet beneath the queen s window. The loyal retainers of Elizabeth s privy council do not accept the official verdict of accidental death. Their fears are borne out when another tragedy rocks the realm, and points the way to a conspiracy to bring down Elizabeth and seize the throne. As ill winds of treachery swirl around the court, and suspicion falls on those within Elizabeth s intimate circle, a vengeful enemy slips from the shadows...a traitorous usurper who would be sovereign.

With The Twylight Tower, Karen Harper brings a legendary era to life, drawing us into an intoxicating world of majesty and mayhem, political intrigue and adventure...where danger is everywhere...and where a young queen journeys to greatness in the long shadow of her bloodstained past.


January 19

I had a very hard time getting through this book. First of all, Elizabeth annoyed the heck out of me. She was very wishy-washy; either she was b!tchy or she was on the verge of tears. Seriously, she's a queen and she needed to be somewhere in the middle most of the time, not at two extremes all the time. Secondly, the relationship between Elizabeth and Robert Dudley didn't add anything to the story and I'd rather there were less of it. I know that there is truth to the relationship, but the way it is written in this book, it doesn't make for a good read. Three, the whole book was rather boring. The characters I had liked in the previous two were hardly in this entry much, and the author made Meg do some stupid things. I think I'd like the whole concept of the book if it had been written in someone else's eyes instead of the focus being through the Queen's eyes. Most especially if it were either William Cecil or the fictional Meg, because there would be more of a leeway of how to write Elizabeth and it would be from a distance. Fourth on my list... The same tired old plot is rather redundant. Someone's in a conspiracy to knock Elizabeth off the throne. *yawn* Couldn't there be a normal murder or mystery instead? It's already been used to death (no pun intended) in just three books! Of course the Queen wouldn't be interested because it has nothing to do with her, therefore every book in the series must be about offing her! Ugh-and-a-half!

I really don't know if I'll pick up the fourth in the series or just drop it. I would like to know what happens with Meg, but I'll have to think about it.

2 stars

Book Review - Kilgallen by Lee Israel


January 19

Very well-researched and written. Will write more at a later date.

4.5 stars

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Book Review - Dead Until Dark (Southern Vampire Mysteries, No. 1) by Charlaine Harris

Book Description
Sookie Stackhouse is a cocktail waitress in small-town Louisiana. She's quiet, keeps to herself, and doesn't get out much. Not because she's not pretty. She is. It's just that, well, Sookie has this sort of "disability." She can read minds. And that doesn't make her too dateable. And then along comes Bill. He's tall, dark, handsome -- and Sookie can't hear a word he's thinking. He's exactly the type of guy she's been waiting for all her life.

But Bill has a disability of his own: he's a vampire with a bad reputation. He hangs with a seriously creepy crowd, all suspected of — big surprise — murder. And when one of Sookie's coworkers is killed, she fears she's next....


January 13

I first read this in 2006 and never got to another Sookie book. Since I want to see True Blood whenever it comes out on DVD, and I don't quite remember too much of the book to get to the rest of the series, I decided to re-read it.

I really don't have anything additional to say to my first review, other than I'm not as picky about the romance this time around. So here's my original review from June 24, 2006:

I've been in a paranormal mood lately so figured I'd pick this one up and see what's different here. While there's nothing original in the vampire front, the story was nonetheless told in a new and fresh way. Although the start seemed slow, I quickly immersed myself into the pace of the book and thought it was quite fitting to it being a southern book. I enjoyed reading about the courtship between a vampire and human, although a slightly different human. It was kind of sweet and though I thought they professed their love to each other too soon, it was still quite lovely in a strange way. The mystery was nice in that I didn't necessarily know who the culprit was. I did have a niggling of who it was a few times but wasn't quite sure. The book also had some interesting characters and I am curious to what direction(s) the author decides to go next.

4.5 stars

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Book Review - Midnight Alley (The Morganville Vampires, Book 3) by Rachel Caine

Book Description
Claire Danvers's college town may be run by vampires but a truce between the living and the dead made things relatively safe. For a while. Now people are turning up dead, a psycho is stalking her, and an ancient bloodsucker has proposed private mentoring. To what end, Claire will find out. And it's giving night school a whole new meaning.


January 10, 2009

Another enjoyable and easy entry into Morganville and it's citizens. The plot was very interesting and well done, Claire continues to be a good main character who doesn't act stupid (which happens a lot even if they're supposed to be smart), and I do look forward to reading what happens next. However, I can do without the cliff hangers, the last book didn't really have one, but it's ridiculous. Can't I read a book without it ending like it's unfinished? Not sure about this new recent development in Claire's life...I foresee annoyingness ahead. LoL :P Otherwise, it's a fun, breezy world to spend some time in, and be happy I don't live there!

I do find it hard to believe that Claire and her parents could not find a better school closer to where they live than what seems to be your average run-of-the-mill college. There's no mention of it being a good school, just closer than whatever college she wants to go to (blanking on which school it is right now :P). Of course we need this contrivance, otherwise there'd be no book series, but at least make it a private upscale, high intelligence school!

4 stars

Book Review - Betrayed (House of Night, Book 2) By Kristin Cast

Book Description

Fledgling vampyre Zoey Redbird has managed to settle in at the House of Night. She’s come to terms with the vast powers the vampyre goddess, Nyx, has given her, and is getting a handle on being the new Leader of the Dark Daughters. Best of all, Zoey finally feels like she belongs--like she really fits in. She actually has a boyfriend…or two. Then the unthinkable happens: Human teenagers are being killed, and all the evidence points to the House of Night. While danger stalks the humans from Zoey’s old life, she begins to realize that the very powers that make her so unique might also threaten those she loves. Then, when she needs her new friends the most, death strikes the House of Night, and Zoey must find the courage to face a betrayal that could break her heart, her soul, and jeopardize the very fabric of her world.


December 22

Maybe once upon a time I wouldn't be as picky about this book, but this was a disappointment compared to the first. The little things that bothered me in the first book magnified and expanded in this one. The 'Aww, shucks. Little ol' me?' routine and attitude of Zoey is wearing, to say the least. C'mon, give her some flaws or something, nobody is perfect and the false modesty is cloying.

Now the bane of the book (and series thus far)... the 'Twins.' Ugh, need I go on? The authors repeatedly bash the reader over the head with how alike they are but how different they look and how they grew up. Almost every sentence they utter contains the word twin. Such as, 'Twin, I get what you're saying.' 'Twin' this, 'twin' that! WTF? No one speaks like that. Which brings up a whole different issue with the unrealistic dialogue, but I won't get into that. I think the 'Twins' are supposed to add comedic value, but they don't, they're just annoying and I wish they'd die in the vampire transition (horrible of me I know). They're one-dimensional, don't have any depth, and are pointless to the story except for being part of the elements, which they can be replaced I'm sure. We get that they're twins, but not, we get it! We don't have to be hit over the head time and again!!

Now for the basic plot. Not as interesting as the last, but okay. Hated what happened nearer the end and I don't really get why it was done. I could have offered two other alternatives. ;P The three love interests? Overkill to the nth degree. Are we supposed to like Zoey, or hate her? I think it'll be a while until I pick up the next book, if I even do that, but I do wonder what'll happen to you-know-who. (Don't want to give anything away for those who want to read it.)

2.5 stars